Back in 1980’s in Alor Star, where I was born, oh man I miss my childhood there so much. Guess that’s triggered me to write the story of my life, part by part. My eldest sister has started to work while I was in primary school, while my 2nd sis was studying high school that time. I still remember how she used to “trick” me to eat rice by playing mouse game. She will prepare a spoonful of rice with dishes, then leave it on the plate and asked me to guard for it. Of course when she is back it’s gone and I will say I didn’t see anyone eat it ! Pretty lame, i know but that’s how cute we all were that time :-)
While my bro was in secondary school that time, he pretty much kept himself in his room all the time. As being the youngest in the family, I always wanted to play with him (I guess I wanted his attention). He is a great brother, just I wish he could spend more time with me that moment.
So, my childhood was mostly spent with my neighbors, Ah Bun and Ah Ping. Haha, we “Hokkien” speaking people like to use “Ah” in front of the last name. I played different stuff with Ah Bun and Ah Ping. Mostly more challenging and adventurous games with Ah Bun while with Ah Ping, it was mostly Chess, Checkers, etc.Here were the games we played, basically. For a Generation Y like me, I believe you guys should remember these. The one of most popular game, “Guli” :-) It can be played like the picture, or as simple as one “Guli” per person, then try to hit each other “Guli”. Whoever hit first wins.